Fred Fröhlich / Info
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  FRED FRÖHLICH (1968) lives in Berlin, Germany
2010-2013 SET, photo installation, private collection, Berlin, Germany
2009 JA (2009), video installation for 2 LED advertising screens in Leipzig, Germany
2007-2008 FORMATION A, video installation, KfW Bank, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
2006 SET 01, Biblioteca Joaquín Leguina, Madrid, Spain
2005 JA II, video installation for 44 LED advertising screens in Moscow and 24 Cities, Russia
2003 110, light installation with Cornelia Friederike Müller, TATORT (SITE OF CRIME),
Museum of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Germany
2000 PLASMA 13/05, 18-channel video installation, VEAG Headquarters, Berlin, Germany
2000 MEGABLAST, video installation in the context of EXPO 2000, Vockerode Powerstation, Germany
1999 RE ANIMATION, ultra short movie in the supporting programme of a multiplex cinema, Halle, Germany
1996 NICHTS, video installation for LED advertising screens in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hannover, Cologne, Mainz, Munich, Germany
1994 JA, video installation, LED advertising screen in public space, Leipzig, Germany
2011 LEISTUNGSSCHAU, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin, DE (G)
2008 ANNA KOURNIKOVA DELETED BY MEMERIGHT TRUSTED SYSTEM, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, Germany (G), curated by Inke Arns and Francis Hunger
2005 VOLUME I, Kunstverein Leipzig, Germany (S), curated by Josef Filipp
2004 WERKLEITZ BIENNALE, Halle, Germany (G), curated by Peter Zorn
2002 MEGABLAST, Gallery Moritzburg, Halle, Germany (S), curated by Cornelia Wieg
2000 IST DIE FOTOGRAFIE AM ENDE? (IS PHOTOGRAPHY FINISHED?) Gallery Moritzburg, Halle, Germany (G), curated by T.O. Immisch
1999 VERLÄNGERTE FROHE ZUKUNFT (EXTENDED HAPPY FUTURE), Gallery Moritzburg Halle, Germany (G), curated by Johannes Stahl
1997/1998 VITALE MODULE, Plauen, Dresden, Ludwigshafen, Germany; Wroclav, Poland (G),
curated by Harald Kunde
1997 COMTEC ART, Dresden, Germany (G), curated by Klaus Nicolai
1997 ACADEMIA IN EUROPA, Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy (G),
curated by Dieter Daniels
1997 WUNDER (MIRACLE), Kunstverein Leipzig, Germany (S), curated by Verena Tintelnot
1996 DIGITALE '96, Cologne, Germany (G), curated by Anna Bohrmann
1994 MEDIA BIENNALE, Leipzig, Germany (G), curated by Dieter Daniels
1994 VIDEONALE, Bonn, Germany (G), curated by Petra Unnützer
2007-2010 Atelierstipend of the City of Berlin, Germany
2006 AVAM Madrid Processos Stipend, Madrid, Spain
1997 The Furtherance Price for Visual Arts of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1997 Comtec Art Price, Dresden, Germany
1997 Atelierstipend of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
1996 On-Line, LED-Media Prize, Leipzig, Germany
2010 Festival International de l'Image 2010, Paris, France
2009 16th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Stuttgart, Germany
2008 Urbanscreens 08, Melbourne, Australia
2007 El VI Festival International de la Imagen, Manizales, Colombia
2006 Rencontres Internationales, Paris, France
2005 Makingthingsbetter, Norwich, England
2005 Urbanscreens, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2004 XXVI International Film Festival, Moscow, Russia
2000 Screenings 03, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
2006 University of Aranjuez / CES Felipe II, Madrid, Spain
2006 Universität der Künste, Berlin, Germany
2005 Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan
2003 Hololab / New York University, New York, USA
2000 - 2006 Lecturer, HGB Leipzig / Academy of Visual Arts, Germany
2007 Moscow, Russia (autumn, winter)
2006 Madrid, Spain (summer, autumn, winter)
2005 Southeast Asia, Japan, Russia (summer)
2002-2004 New York City, USA (some months)
1997-2000 studies Media Art ("Meisterschüler"), HGB Leipzig / Academy of Visual Arts, Germany
1992-1997 studies Photography ("Diplom"), HGB Leipzig / Academy of Visual Arts, Germany
1990-1992 studies Industrial Design ("Vordiplom") Burg Giebichenstein Halle,
Academy of Art and Design, Germany