Fred Fröhlich / Projects
© 1994-2011 Fred Fröhlich
FMA, Page 01
Video Installation, 2007-2008
The video installation seems like a simple scenario: In a laboratory situation of sorts, a fluid is subjected to forces that produce cyclical effects. Due to the significantly decelerated course of movement it remains imperceptible for the viewer, that its dynamics follows mathematical laws. These principles, discovered in the 13th century, describe specific growth patterns in nature and are today also utilised by financial analysts in hope to be able to predict market developments. The fluid was simulated with digital techniques as known from visual effects in movies and commercials. "Formation A" has been developed since 2001 under the working title "Liquid" in dialogue with German bank Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). An edition of "Formation A" was acquired by the art collection of the KfW banking group just prior to the historic bankruptcy of investment bank Lehman Brothers.
FORMATION A, 3D animation, videostill (fragment)